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Writer's pictureShandy Welch

The Cost of “Limiting Beliefs”

Believe in your worth.

Think back to elementary school, and before you cared about what others thought. Your mind was wild with ideas, you wore what made you happy, but not necessarily what was in fashion (princess dresses and Superman capes). Instead, you may have explored ideas and raised your hand when you had no idea of the answer. It was curiosity and unabated passion at its core. Your fear had no limits.

If I ask you, right now, to raise your hand as high as you can, now raise it higher (see you were able to do more than expected).  How many of you are on your toes, or on the table?  If you were five years old you would have jumped on the desk without reservation.  

As adults, we inherently limit thinking and possibility.  I am hoping to change that.  We naturally, related to years of “stories”, self-regulate to appease others, abide by expectations, or because we feel we are not worthy.  You are capable of more than you expect, I promise.

So, how do we get back to that state of pure possibility? How do we push past doubt and harness our ultimate potential?

As soon as you live in a place of possibility, others around you will too.  That is great leadership!!!

You are capable of so much more than you ever imagined. The only person holding you back is yourself- from years of self-talk, listening to others, conforming, and becoming beholden to perpetuated fictitious norms. It is this very concept that robs you each day of innovation, opportunity, and success.

Unconsciously, we attune our thoughts and actions to an outsider’s perception. We give away our power and autonomy of thought, limiting our beliefs as a self-protection method, and an attempt to minimize risk and avoid any failure. Indeed, you may avoid failure, but you also negate the possibility of greatness.

Imagine this, you over-prepare and feel you have given your best presentation ever. You later walk into the lobby, and someone says, “Wow, you did an extraordinary job presenting that material.” Naturally, you’ll stand a bit taller and feel your endorphins spiking. Conversely, if you walk in and people avert their gaze and no one comments, you may wither in self-doubt, questioning your skill and preparation.  

Same presentation, very different experience. So, who is right?  

We internalize the perception (positive or negative) of others as truth, and then recalibrate our thoughts accordingly. That is precisely when you have relinquished your power and self-worth.

Without intention, your belief in yourself wanes and slowly the imagined stories become your truth.

This shift is now the veil from which you see yourself, questioning your ability and doubting your extraordinary gifts.

Are you ready to align with who you know you are and how you present to the world?  

Steps to conquer limiting beliefs:

Set your intention: Get your head in the game and make this shift a priority. Decide that the belief you hold for yourself is not only valid but worthy. Listen to yourself and believe it despite all else.

Mindset: Decide you are no longer subservient to others’ perceptions. Reality is what you choose it to be. Consider what others say and integrate useful ideas rather than allowing yourself to personalize all opinions, which inevitably distort the truth.

Accountability: Create awareness when self-doubt pervades your thoughts, and hold yourself accountable for this shift in thinking. When you begin to second guess yourself, STOP and  BREATHE. Ask yourself if this is in alignment with who you want to be.

This shift requires strength, bravery, and work, and you are worth every bit of what this shift calls for. Remember, you can reach higher than you can ever imagine, and oftentimes in partnership with others, but never limited by others.

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